Thursday, February 17, 2011


Well if you read a newspaper, had tv on or listen to the radio you all have heard by now they are planning on cutting all school budget.  

I know alot of people are up in arms about it. I am too.  But, hey some of the things they do in the school has nothing to do with learning. Come on really. 

Does your child need a castle to learn in? No    Yes they need a safe and well kept area, but it doesn't need to be a castle. 

Does your child need there own indoor  swimming pool to do school in? No.   They can use the community swimming pool.

Does your child need a grand Theater to do school in?   No we used the school gym, bleachers and folding chair for family members to come and see our once, maybe twice a year play.  

We did fine and all got a great round of education.   

I just don't get where we think we have to have everything so high and pricey.  First of all the children don't care of it. It takes more people to watch the children so the property isn't damage. 

Why can't in the kitchen  go back to hard plastic trays with real forks and not have the throw away ones.  That cost money. Yes it cost money to watch them but I do feel it would be cheaper in the long run. 

Need to stop the pk-3 and pk-4 year old. That cost more money.  Those children need to be home, being kids or in day cares if parents have to work. 

There is tons and tons of ways to cut the budget they don't need to mess with the child education.
The teachers need more money I will agree but until they stop wasting all this useless money, teacher's wouldn't get a raise.  

Teacher's need to go back and be teacher. Not friends to the student, they need to be teacher. Yes, you can be nice.  But, they need to remember they are there to teacher not to make friends. 
They always need to dress like a teacher. 

If you want the children to respect you then you need to act and look like a teacher and you will gain the respect you all need and deserve.  

Now with that off my shoulder.  I will rest. LOL anyway I know what I have to say wouldn't go anywhere. Just needed to get this off my chest.  Anyone has any more points please post them love to hear them. 


  1. Boy - you hit a pet peeve of mine! Besides all the things that have become 'standard' in the school buildings, how about those grand halls for the administrators? I have never heard anyone ever propose reducing the administrative costs for school districts. The first thing discussed is salary cuts for teachers or taking away programs for the kids. So darn manipulative! Why does any school district require someone with a PhD and a six figure salary? Then, add up how many assistants the superintendent has and their salaries. It's absolutely ridiculous!

    Someone told me that in Germany, school is 1/2 day and all academics. No sports, no music, no cafeteria. Kids pursue their personal interests in private clubs for activities and eat all meals at home. What a concept - school!

  2. wow! Linda we are more a like then I thought. Yes, I forgot about them. Yes why not cut there pay. Oh no they need that for what? I think the teachers need it they are the ones teaching the children for the world.

    Wow I love Germany schools sounds neat.
