Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do you know that if you want something you have to work for it?

Sometimes I don't understand people at all.  Maybe its a good thing I don't. 

There's a family, a young family that lives down the road from us with three very young children. We been to there house many many times. Its a new house under 3 years old. The outside looks fair the inside oh my what war hit it and when.

She is always telling me my house looks great, then she says but then again your children our old. They use to be young too.
Yes, my wolf daughters are older but they never act like that when they were young. 

We need to get back being parents to our children, not only being there friends.  I don't mean you have to be mean to them. Love them, show them right from wrong.

Every door inside is off, written on. The younger children who are three go potty where ever they want and it smells so bad. Its so sad. The children have very few toys to play with never see any or books. 

When my girls were little they didn't have everything but they did have toys and books to play with. I even sat and played with them.

I don't know if its young parents, I really can't say that because I seen great young parents. But, if you want to keep your things looking nice and not let your children break it have toys and things for them to do beside tv.   Yes tv is wonderful but it shouldn't be a babysitter.  Play with your children. They grow fast and will be gone before you know it.

You had your kids I understand you were young in high school but you should of thought of it when you laid down with the boy what could happen.  I know it was accident and now you want to live and go places with others.  Well hon those days are over.  Now you have kids to think about. 

Kids are gift from God.  Help them grow up to be wonderful people.    Show them love and respect and they will show it right back.

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