We have given and given to so many people its not funny. That includes family and friends. It seems like the more we give the more people like us. The minute we stop or brighten up our name turns to mud and we are nothing and called all kinds of bad names.
Why, do people treat others like that, its so sad. Why? We loved to give and help others so much its not funny. But, you know sometimes things get hard for everyone not just you and sometimes we just don't want too, we want to give to others or help others.
Why do you have to be so mean and call us names and say things about us that aren't true. We do hear what you say and see it too. So, grow up.
Sometimes we like to just sit outside and feel the air or smell the rain when it does it rain. You and others do and we don't say anything. Its a free world its not just your world.
So, last night daddy wolf and I had a long time I am tired of giving and be nice. I know I shouldn't feel this way but guess what if you aren't nice I am not going to be either. If you throw dirty looks or say something about our me or my family I will do the same. I know its not the right way to do it but I been nice long enough and it don't get you anywhere.
True friends are hard to find. Ones that will be there through thick or thin.. ones that wouldn't judge you for you everything you do. We all were put on this world for reason and yes sometimes we do things differently.
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