Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do you work?

I love this question I laugh alot to myself when someone ask me.  

My answer is yes I work I am housewife, mother, teacher, doctor, chief, housekeeper, animal keeper, parnter, mom and list goes on and on.

Alot of people think because you stay home all day you have alot of time on your hands.  Well I really don't.  I work hard every day.  I teach both girls. Well really only one now.  Help the other one with some college classes.  But, really don't teach. 

Giving your children a education is alot of work.  You want to make sure you are doing the right thing and not messy them up. 
There's lesson plans to be make,  material to get ready for each class.  Your speech and how you are going to go over the material. 
Some days you wonder is it worth it.  There is no paycheck at the end of the week to show you did it.  But, you do get something better then a paycheck you get to see the light go off in there eyes when they get something. You get tons of hugs and thank you for taking the time to teach us.
Its all worth it at the end of the week.

Homeschooling is a job like any other job you wonder sometime what you get your self into.

But, over all its been the best job I have ever held down. It will be one of the only jobs I miss when time comes for me to be done.

So, next time someone ask if you work, hold your head high and say yes I do and enjoy it.  

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