Sunday, February 26, 2012


Remodeling is so much fun.  LOL

You think the project is going to easy and then you find all these other things that need to be done and take longer then you think.  But, it makes us stronger and teaches us how to do different things.

Youngest Wolf Daughter and Daddy Wolf are remodeling our master bathroom upstairs.. Youngest Wolf Daughter is learning alot.. from taking things apart  which she said is fun but then comes the fun part putting it all back together again.. which she said is a little harder. LOL

Daddy Wolf is teaching Wolf Daughters its important to measure twice and cut once. 
At first they thought Daddy Wolf was crazy until they a mistake which Thank God was easy to fix. But, they looked at me and said wow that is a good thing that Daddy taught us.  Always mesaure twice because you cut once. 

They ask him today who taught him that and he said his step dad did he always spoke loud and clear on that.

So, hopeful the bathroom will be done today.

What a wonderful project the Daddy Wolf and girls been doing. 

Then Daddy Wolf told them at lunch.  This is school too. You should of seen there faces. LOL

He told them its a fun way to learn. 
They just look at him like he lost something. LOL

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