Wednesday, December 26, 2012

We can't stand a day!

It seems like none of us can stand a day without a store being open.   So, so sad.. We all are so spoil.
When the store closes for holiday's we all get upset and just can't stand it.

I know when I was going to work on Christmas Day almost all the business on the street I went on were close the ones that were open there were lines of people out the door.

Wow, I wonder how we ever got along without a Wal mart open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

I understand sometimes things come up we can't help it. But, man people give some people a break.

Yea, not all of us get the holidays off.. Nurses, doctors, EMT, Police, Fireman etc...  must work.. no date on the calendar or time on clock will let us off.  The world don't stop because its  a holiday no. 

But, we can give those who work at stores, restaurants and other place there time off with there love ones..

I hope all my blogging friends had a very Merry Christmas..

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