Just the thought of them going off makes me nervous. I like to wake up on my own not by a stupid thing buzzing or singing in my ear.
I know I can't wake up that early to get Daddy Wolf off to work so we have to use that wonderful alarm clock.
Today me and the alarm clock had a wonderful talk and I lost.
Alarm clock..... buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzz
Me.... No No No go to sleep. Hit the alarm snooze button.
Alarm clock.. ok you hit my snooze button I don't like that I wanted you up the first time so I will only get louder. BUZZZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZ
Me... oh please stop and go back to sleep hit the snooze button one more time.
Alarm Clock... ok you done it this time I will only get louder and louder until you pull that hind end out of under the covers and get up. BUZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZZZ BUZZZZZZZ
Me... Oh why? I don't want to get up, its so dark outside and nice and warm under these covers and I am so tired..
Alarm Clock... BUZZZZZZZ I wouldn't give up so you might as well get up and get it over with. Next time go to bed earlier.
Me... Alright alright I am up but can't you wake me up nicer next time..
So, up we go and off we go to work and play we shall go.. And once again the alarm clock won.
One day I will be stronger then clock and beat him. But, that will be awhile yet.
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