Sunday, July 10, 2011

Is there Free Homeschooling?

Well we had this talk the other day with some other homeschooling friends, about is there really a thing as free Homeschooling? 

Well I say yes it can be done free or cheap.  Others agree cheap but not free. 

Well a few years back we came on some really hard times and we couldn't afford anything. We were thinking we were going to have to put the wolf daughters back into public school because we couldn't afford books.  Well I was talking to another wonderful homeschool mom who had tons of books that she gave to me to use so I could keep going teaching the wolf daughters. We were so happy. So, that year it was a free year. ( I thought!).  We had tons of paper, pencils and pens so we need nothing else. 

So, I thought it was free.  It felt free to me.  But, then one girl said it wasn't and then I thought about it and guess she is right.  You see I bought the pencils and papers time ago.   So, it cost me something.  Then they stated if print anything off the net and use your ink it cost too. 

Yea they are right but a lot people, like me don't look at it that way. We feel since you have to buy ink any way to use for other things and you need paper, pencils and pens its things you need and we don't look at it as school things.  But, once I thought it over they are right its true.  But, to me it was the cheap way then. 

So, no its not free to homeschool. But, there are tons of way to do it the cheap way if you need too.

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