Well I try but sometimes its hard. It seems when I go get the item I want with a coupon they have none on the shelf.
Or buying generic is cheaper with no coupon so I end up throwing the coupon away.
I was watching one of those shows on tv where these people go couponing and get all kinds of food for almost nothing.
Wow how do they do it? I don't get it. I never find those good deals like that no matter where I live.
Then I sit and think why does someone need over 100 tissue boxes or 100 soaps, even over 100 can goods.
Are they going to eat all that food before it out dates. Well the answer is no unless they have a huge family.
Why buy it all even if its almost free. What are you going to do with it? If you give to food panties wonderful or family/friends that is great.
Why not leave some for others to try.
I know alot of places around here are putting a limit on how many you can buy now.
I guess I need to take time and do more studying on couponing and try to help my family that way.
I hear it works and is worth in the end. I am just lost trying to find out how they do it.
But, you know what they say it takes time to learn so I am going to learn.
Since we don't buy the Sunday paper anymore I dont' get any coupons. I just have to use the store coupons. I use very little prepackaged foods so most coupons don't apply to what I buy anyway. I am a strong sale shopper and do stock pile on good deals. last week coffee was on sale, with a store coupon. I went to the store several times. I now have 12 cans of coffee. Hey decafe is rarely on sale, so I had to grab it while the grabbing was good. hehe