This morning I woke up and pulled this big fat hind end out of the bed to the bathroom with goose bumps all over as the house was cool and there was a gentle breeze coming through. I thought I was dreaming it was so relaxing and refreshing..
Then I went to get dress and thought hey girl want to keep up with the Jones and all. So, out I pulled my Halloween pumpkin sweatshirt put it on. Went to the dresser drawer and pulled out my Halloween socks..
Off I went for my morning crisp walk in the woods to see the lovely animals. There were plenty animals this cool morning playing in the sun.
Along with pancakes, eggs and sausage.
Now off to go do some more walking and site seeing. This mamma is not going to let to much grass grow under her not now anyway. Winter will be here and there will be time to do that.
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