Friday, April 15, 2011

She's is off to College

Today took oldest daughter and got her sign up for college.  She will be doing two classes over the summer.   

I am still in shock wondering where the time went and how come I never got the manual where it said they grow fast....

Went to the college today to talk to  a lady about signing Oldest Wolf Daughter. Had a 8 am appointment today with a advisor.
Got there on time went in the advisor  was very nice to us.  Talking to Oldest Wolf Daughter I kind of sat back in the ground and let them go.  Then the question came where did you go to school?  Oldest Wolf Daughter said I went to Wolf Bay High.     The advisor said oh where is that.   Oldest Wolf Daughter said homeschool.  

Bingo the light went off then it all change.  She then stated to Oldest Wolf Daughter,   yea when homeschoolers come in they are lost and need a little more help.   Oldest Wolf Daughter said I took the Enter exam and pass with flying colors she said yea.  Oh here are a few math problems lets see if you can do them.  I looked at her and said what! We are here to sign up, she already  took the test now its time to take classes.  The advisor  then stated oh I want to see where she stands.  I gave her a funny look and she looked at Oldest Wolf Daughter and said your mom isn't too happy.  I then stated no I am not.  You were signing her up for classes all was going well then when you ask her the school she went to you pinned her against the wall.   Why?   

She look oh I didn't mean it that way.  I am sorry. Yea right you didn't lady. Thats ok... I think its time for you retire and rest awhile.   

Oldest Daughter did the problems and the lady was like wow you do know what you are doing? Ok now can we sign up for classes.  Well ok she said I can't do it here you have to go to this building.

So, off we went.    Oldest Wolf Daughter was hurt the way the lady treated her I told her sometime I think people need to get a real life or something.   

When we got to the building to sign up for classes there was a line. So, we wait. Oldest Wolf Daughter started talking to another girl and she was saying something about the lady we just seen. The girl goes oh I seen her too and man when she found out I was homeschool she drill me.  I laughed and oldest Wolf Daughter said yes she did the same to me.  

Wow!  So sad some people are.  I would get her for racism if I could.  I think its wrong to pick on homeschooler.  Yes, we do get out.  Once in awhile anyway.   Sorry if I am not into drugs or drinking. I am into my school. 

Daddy Wolf talked to a man who is a teacher part time there and told him what happen and he said oh yes that is very common. Sound like she got one of the nice ones. The other ones can be really be mean and talk you out of going.   

Anyway that was our day.  At least we are got sign up for two classes in the summer and fall classes.  Hope all will go well.   

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