Saturday, August 28, 2010

Where do people get off, telling others what to do?

I am so lost at this maybe some of you wonderful people can help. I been lost with this for along time.
Where do people get off telling others what to do, or how to raise your children.  It started a few years ago when we move to Texas and joined a homeschool group and we got judge because one of my wolf's was reading Harry Potter.. She wasn't talking to others about it she was by herself unlike another girl in the group who wore outfits and things from Harry Potter but wasn't picked out like us.  I think the only reason was because her parents might of had more money then us I don't know thats the only thing I see different then what we did.  Then there tons of ladies telling us how to raise the wolf's. We should do this or that with them. Then they would start talking and come to find out they had there child at age 15 and there wonderful husband use to be in alot of drugs. Ok that's great. Yes, we all change in life I do understand that.  I do agree we all learn from our mistake. But, I try hard not to tell others how to raise there children as I am not with there children or I am not them. I also know my little wolfs and me aren't prefect and we have alot to learn. I also try hard not to judge people because I am not the person to judge.  I would give my shirt off my back to anyone. I would and have gone out of my way for others. But, why do those kind of people try to tell you how to raise your children. I think they need to seat back and take along look at there lifes.  I think alot of them think because they are born again Christian they are better then others. Like I said we shouldn't judge I don't want to judge maybe they have a reason for it. I don't see it through, maybe I need to look harder. I do blow most what they say off, but when the little wolf's hear it and it hurst them, then they mess with Mama Wolf.  Just trying to figure out why people always have to judge someone for one thing?  I didn't judge them for there past?  Oh I know get off the band wagon and play the flute...

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