Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why? Are people Silly.

To this day I don't understand people and don't know if I ever will. It seems no matter where we go someone will say where do your girls go to school I say I homeschool them they will then say oh that is great. They are very nice girls.  I say thank you. They then have to bring up that darn word I hate the S word.  Social.  See where I am going, they ask are they with anyone else do they social with anyone. I come to the point and say what about me do you ever wonder if I get any social with people my age.
YES, I say YES, they get plenty of that wonderful S word.  You see my girls know how to S with all kinds of people of different ages.  She then said in the public school they don't get much S anymore the teachers are always telling them to eat be quiet and they are even taken the play time away.  I just look at the eye doctor and said I rest my cast.  I just don't understand people why they think school has to be all about the S word.  I thought it was about learning, they never ask about that.

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