Thursday, March 1, 2012

Should you judge?

Had a nice long talk with both Wolf Daughters today at lunch. 

We were talking about how people judge people..

Yes, you should never judge a book by its cover.   Because once you open that book there could be  a wonderful flower in there with a heart as big as Texas.

But, thats not the American way.   The American way is to judge and never think twice.

Well I have been the person who always helps the under dog or feels sorry for the one no one else like.  Why is that?  I think its because I been judge so much in my life. Public school was a night mare for me. I cried almost every night wishes I never had to step foot back in that place ever again.  But, I had to go and had to be picked on all the time.

You know they say if someone calls you something long enough you begin to believe it. Well I was that person. By, the time I finished high school I thought there was no hope for me.

So, now when I see someone sitting alone or doesn't look like the Mr. or Mrs. Perfect I go to them talk to them and see how there day is going.

Like I told the Wolf Daughters if there were two people walking down the street. One thin as rail the other fat who would most people stop to talk too. 

Yep you guess it the skinny one. Why that is way we are train. TV, books, radio thats all they talk about it is how skinny or pretty this one looks.  

Well you know what the skinny one is more then likely the unfriendly one. The fat one is more then likely the most friendly one and would do anything for you.

I think we need to change our way of thinking and treat everyone the same.

We all were put on this earth by one person and he is the only one who should Judge..

Will that happen NO  it wouldn't.  There is still tons and tons of bully going on.  Its not just in public school its adults too.  

We all need to stop and think we all were put here on this earth for a reason. We all deserve to be treated the same way.  So, what we don't live in fancy house, or drive fancy cars. Or wear those fancy clothes  we are still people too and we do have feelings.

Next time you are out and about think about this and when you see a person who looks all alone stop and talk to them.. Tell them to have a wonderful day.  

You wouldn't believe how much you just made that person feel great and yourself.

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