Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why do I homeschool?

This question came to my attention the other day.  Why do I homeschool?

Well there are many reason why I homeschool:

1.)  Because I love my girls so much and wanted to be with them and watch them grow into sweet young ladies.

2.)  Because Daddy Wolf was traveling alot for his job and we wanted to stay as a family and not pull the Wolf Daughters out of school every 6 months and put them in another new school for 6 months.

3.)   Because I didn't like all the bully and things that were going on in public school.   It never change when I was in school. I was bully so bad in school it still hurts me to this day.

4.)  Because I can...

I know there tons more and we all have our reasons.  I think its wonderful no matter what your reasons are.   Homeschooling is not for everyone, like public school is not for everyone.

I do think homeschooler have to take alot from the public though.  I don't understand why. They are not strange kids they are wonderful kids. Yes, there are some who rock the boat, but don't that happen in public school too. 

Well like I tell everyone it takes alot of different people to make this world turn around and there are tons of different things for people to do to help keep this world turning.

I know sometimes we don't agree with others, but that is why there are many things for us to do. If you don't agree with something you walk away and do something you agree with.

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