Saturday, April 28, 2012

I love you truckers but come on!

Yesterday we had to run to a bigger town to go to the apple store as youngest Wolf Daughters Ipod was not working so we decide we would make it a day and go a differnet way and enjoy the scenery look at all the wonderful wild flowers and baby animals. 

There were alot of wonderful wild flowers, baby cows and goats.  Everything look so cute. Green after all the wonderful rains we been having. I hope the rain keeps coming love the nice color wild flowers and green trees and grass.

But, we had to take this one side road because of road work.  All know what road work is like and how much fun it is to drive around it. 
They had us going on this really small and narrow country road hardly big enough for one vehicle let alone two and one of the vehicles being a semi-truck who thinks he owns the wide open road.

Those trucks never slow down no matter what sign say or anything. Told Daddy Wolf they have no fear.  Nothing matters when they are in those big trucks.  Its like they aren't afraid of anything.

We were on on corner where you had to stop as the bridge was out and wait your turn to go. Well I  Mamma Wolf was driving this big semi came from I don't know where. I am sure down the road.  Anyway he decide he was going to turn beside me ok the road is not wide or big right.  So, I try to back up and get over as far as I can and he just keeps coming and coming.  Wow!  I thought ok we are done.  He did make the turn but barely. His truck was rocking back and forth and he was honking the horn.  What was I suppose to do?

That was enough for me.  I told Daddy Wolf he could drive from now on. 

I never understood truck drivers.  I try and give them has much room as possible.  I do understand they can't stop on a dime. They have be loads, there trucks are long and it takes awhile to stop. 

So, truckers we try to give you has much space as you need. Now be nice and watch out for us too. Remember we are there and we need to get some place too.  The road is there for both of us.
You help us and we help you.

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